Friday 5 August 2011


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Instant City's (1968) idea was to transport all the city's network, including information, entertainment and education resources to an airship that can float between places. It can be define as national telecommunication network.

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"Archigram argued that an architecture based on mobility and malleability could set people free"
"Archigram was defined less by a specific set of principles, than by an optimistic spirit".

As a connection of recent situation; where people demand sort of new/ better Parliament system; is because they have different standard of what or how things should be regulated. With conventional Caste Pyramid System which citizen are limited for their voices and parliamentarians are mostly control everything, it is harder to achieve satisfaction as a whole. However, the way Archigram approaches, it is likely to give the message of freedom for people to contribute to their city. So that, the Caste Pyramid could loosen up and give opportunity to everybody to send their thoughts.

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