Friday 5 August 2011

Cedric Price & Superstudio

The Potteries Thinkbelt is define as flexibility from current limitation of one's definition (in this case "university") to prevent economic and social collapse at that time. Providing larger service and better quality of life for huge amount of people.

In addition, Superstudio with one of their works called The Continuous Monument, an architectural model for total urbanisation. Also provide big thinking of current sprawl that can lead to bigger problems, to solve it, Superstudio came up with limitless border of black-on-white grids located in major cities. 
The proposed new parliament can be as network or circuit (Cedric Price), that accommodate better system, people, and as a whole. it does not have to be a building, as I mentions previously in "Yona Friedman" section, we need to provide the initial purpose of what we want to achieve, not the other way around (provide the building to fulfill the requirements).

I think these Architects are fine examples of Big Thinker, where most people back then think of their works were jokes. and here we are 50 years later try to re-think, discuss and do from their approaches/ methods. Thus, I will try to elaborate my mind with less limitation, some of them were quite silly, but it might lead to something.
Allow us to think the unimaginable 
-Cedric Price

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